Sunday, August 18, 2013

Peep Topiary

As you can see, my attempt at creating this peep topiary came out pretty well!  My photo is on the left so you can also probably tell I did a few things differently.

I used the recommended ball size (7 inches), but the original post says you will only need to use 6 or 7 boxes of peeps.  I used over 100 peeps and the darn thing still wasn't fully covered.  There are only 5 peeps in a box so I have no idea how she managed to cover the whole thing with only 30 peeps.

I also used a dowel instead of a stake like she used.  I'm not sure if this contributed to my balance problem but I certainly had some trouble keeping it standing up straight.  I ended up hot gluing the dowel into the top ball and into the styrofoam on the bottom to keep it standing upright.  This also may have been due to the fact that my topiary was a little lopsided because the back wasn't fully covered in peeps (after 3 trips to the store to buy more, I gave up).  I realize now that my dowel is a bit long so maybe if I had cut it down some more it would have helped the balance issues.

While I was making it, I had my boyfriend hold it steady so I could use both hands to push the peeps and toothpicks into the styrofoam.  It was quite helpful especially as the ball became more covered and as I was working towards the back!  It gets difficult to do on your own since you can't just set it down without smashing all the peeps on the other side!

Overall, it came out quite well!  It didn't take too long (if you take out the "crap I'm out of peeps!" store runs and overcoming the unexpected balance issues).  We got a lot of compliments and some family even took pictures of it!   The original pin can be found here.   Happy Easter!

If you tried making the peep topiary, leave the pics in the comments below as well as any other tips or feedback you have!  If you'd like to see a pin tried before you make it, leave it in the comments as well! :)  Have a great day!


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